
ベルビー赤坂2Fの「spoon cafe」

spoon cafe昨日は午後から、ホテルニューオータニ東京で行われたシャープの新製品発表会へ。ひたすらバタバタしていて朝ごはんも昼ごはんも食べずに、会場に入り、一息ついたら猛烈にお腹がすいてしまってキュルキュルと鳴り出す始末。シーンとした席でお腹が鳴ったりしては目立つのに、「鳴らないで」と思うほどに止まらなくなるのはどうしてでしょう。




しかも「ランチ、15時まで延長しました」のうれしいPOPが目に入り、迷わずここに決定。この「spoon cafe」は、どうやらABCクッキングがやっているカフェのようで、奥では料理教室が開かれていました。パスタランチ(スープとサラダとパスタのセット)が1000円。ドリンクがプラス200円。帆立の貝柱とマッシュルーム、ブロッコリーを使ったクリーム味のパスタや、南瓜の冷たいスープなど、お料理の味もなかなかだったので、この場所でこの値段は仕方ないかも。




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1. Posted by miumiu 財布 安い   2013年12月20日 09:40
That time, too, Adam Ivanitch said nothing. But when the same thing was repeated a third time he flared up and felt it incumbent upon himself to defend his dignity and not to degrade, in the eyes of so gentlemanly a company, the prestige of the fair town of Riga, of which he probably felt himself to be the representative. With an impatient gesture he flung the paper on the table, rapping it vigorously with the stick to which the paper was fastened, and blazing with personal dignity, and crimson with punch and amour Propre, in his turn he fastened his little bloodshot eyes on the offensive old man. It looked as though the two of them, the German and his assailant, were trying to overpower each other by the magnetic force of their stares, and were waiting to see which would be the first to be put out of countenance and drop his eyes. The rap of the stick and the eccentric position of Adam Ivanitch drew the attention of all the customers. All laid aside what they were doing, and with grave and speechless curiosity watched the two opponents. The scene was becoming very comical, but the magnetism of the little red-faced gentleman’s defiant eyes was entirely thrown away. The old man went on staring straight at the infuriated Schultz, and absolutely failed to observe that he was the object of general curiosity; he was as unperturbed as though he were not on earth but in the moon. Adam Ivanitch’s patience broke down at last, and he exploded.
miumiu 財布 安い http://www.aquawave.jp/img/miumiu1.php


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